Partnership for Open Performance Systems

By State of the USA
June 18, 2015

After several years quietly planning and preparing, in partnership with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), for the implementation of a Key National Indicator System (KNIS) for the USA, the State of the USA has initiated a new effort – a Partnership for Open Performance Systems -- which will keep it current and prepared to answer the call of Congress and the NAS once the final funding for a KNIS is approved. 

This spring, as part of an effort to bring its capabilities to a wide variety of organizations and communities around the nation, The State of the USA launched the Partnership for Open Performance Systems (OPS).  Open Performance Systems combine into one integrated website for communications with stakeholders at a large scale a) the scope of a strategic plan, b) the rigor of a logic model or theory of change, c) the specificity of a performance measurement system, d) the depth of quality statistical data sources, and e) the accessibility of infographics.  The goal of an OPS - for any organization or jurisdiction - is to shift all aspects of internal and external communications to a focus on increasing impact, improving yield, producing quality, targeting stakeholder needs and attracting capital through highly visible leadership, accountability and transparency expressed through leading edge web design.

 The first participants in this endeavor were NORC at the University of Chicago, Threespot, the U.S. federal government and the University of Tennessee’s multi-sector economic development coalition focused on transforming the automotive industry across a five-state, 69-country region.  These organizations worked together in a public-private partnership to create an Open Performance System for sustainable 21st century manufacturing and an associated open code library.  The site is currently live at  The Partnership is open to any organization or jurisdiction who intends to develop an OPS for the public benefit.  For more information on this effort and for how to participate in the Partnership for Open Performance Systems, please contact

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