To assure that stakeholders and contributors gain significant value from working to implement a Key National Indicator System (KNIS), the model adopted by The State of the USA (SUSA) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is based on a collaborative process. Various contributors have helped prepare for implementation through prototyping and testing scalable process and website implementations. Advocacy organizations, public leaders and civic groups play an important role in framing issues and aspirations for the American public. In framing issues as well as choosing measures and data, the NAS takes the lead role, while civic engagement organizations, researchers and institutes assist in laying the groundwork. In sourcing the data, official government statistical agencies and private sector providers work in concert with web production staff. Creation of contextual content for issues and measures is a result of working with education providers, publishers, experts, scientists and academic institutions. Technology providers contribute to the design, implementation and enhancement of the website and SUSA's distributed publishing strategy. Vital leadership from the policy, statistical, technical, media and scientific communities add to the evolution of SUSA as an institution as formal implementation of a Key National Indicator System begins with the National Academy of Sciences.
The intention of the operations supporting a Key National Indicator System is to help integrate, expose and extend core competencies of a nationwide group of stakeholders,. For example, existing data is leveraged to reach larger audiences, in new ways, with greater impact. It is the combination of these critical relationships that will build an ever broader constituency for high-quality statistical data and evidence-based decision making. Below is a sampling of contributing organizations:
Statistical Data Providers
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Environmental Protection Agency
National Center for Educational Statistics
National Center for Health Statistics
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Opinion Research Center
Office of Management and Budget
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
U.S. Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Key Indicator Systems
Community Indicators Consortium
Jacksonville Community Council Inc.
National Neighborhood Indicators Project
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Scientific and Technical Advisers
Committee of Concerned Journalists
National Academy of Public Administration
National Opinion Research Center
University of Maryland Human Computer Interaction Lab
University of Michigan Institute for Survey Research
Government Accountability Office
National Association of Counties
National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development