The State of the USA is focused on complete independence with regard to institutional governance, research parameters, scientific standards, evaluation criteria and operational matters. This independence and dedication to quality will make it a gold standard for the best data about the world we live in.

Paul Brest President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
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Partnership for Open Performance Systems

After several years quietly planning and preparing, in partnership with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), for the implementation of a Key National Indicator System (KNIS) for the USA, the State of the USA has initiated a new effort – a Partnership for Open Performance Systems -- which will keep it current and prepared to answer the call of Congress and the NAS once the final funding for a KNIS is approved.

GAO Releases Report on Key Indicator Systems

Thumbnail of GAO Key Indicator Systems report“The U.S. has many indicators on a variety of topics such as the economy and health, but has no official vehicle for integrating and disseminating this information to better inform the nation about complex challenges,” the U.S. Government Accountability Office states at the beginning of a 100+ page report to Congress examining the experiences of national and subnational indicator systems. The report is meant to provide insight for a U.S. Key National Indicator System as required by recent legislation.

Congress Appoints Key National Indicators Commission

Congressional leaders name the eight members of a new bipartisan Commission on Key National Indicators. Members of the federally mandated commission will oversee implementation of the new Key National Indicator System of the United States, designed to help the American people better assess the nation's progress.

University of Iowa 'New Economy' Forum Features KNIS


The new Key National Indicator System was featured as part of a two-day symposium on "Best Policies for a New Economy' at the University of Iowa's Public Policy Center. Watch remarks by Chris Hoenig and multimedia coverage by The Daily Iowan.

Official Key National Indicator System Under Way

The creation of a new Key National Indicator System to help Americans better assess the nation's progress is formally under way, with bipartisan participation of the U.S. Congress. Meanwhile the National Academy of Sciences -- authorized by recent federal law to implement the KNIS -- has named the State of the USA as its partner in the historic initiative.

Related: A Brief History of the Key National Indicator System

Comment Sought on KNIS Open Architecture Draft

KNIS_Update_Graphic.jpgState of the USA is seeking comment on this working draft of an enterprise architecture for the Web-based Key National Indicator System of the United States of America. The purpose is to create a dialogue to inform future drafts and further discussion, ultimately resulting in requirements, design and specifications for how best to start and then evolve the open architecture project.

Working Toward a Key National Indicator System

The State of the USA is committed to helping Americans assess national progress for themselves, freely and easily, with the best quality measures and data on the issues they say matter the most.

From Hundreds of Health Measures, 20 Seen as Key

IOMreportcoversm.jpgThe Institute of Medicine recommends focusing on 20 specific measures seen as 'yardsticks' for assessing the overall health and well-being of Americans.

Related: Working Toward a Key National Indicator system

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